Yourhome makelaar Amsterdam Oost en Zuid aankoopmakelaar verkoopmakelaar verhuurmakelaar

The best nicest NVM rental agent
van 't Gooi

Wanneer je je woning wilt verhuren, wil je natuurlijk dat de verhuur soepel verloopt. Je verhuurt je woning het liefst aan de meest betrouwbare kandidaat voor de beste prijs. Als zeer succesvolle verhuurmakelaar ’t Gooi hebben wij:

Do you recognize yourself in this?


Wil jij je woning verhuren in ’t Gooi?


Do you want to rent your home to a reliable tenant at a good price?


Do you want to be completely unburdened throughout the entire rental process?

The solution is our rental services

Bij het verhuren van je huis wil je je geen zorgen maken. Jouw verhuurmakelaar van Yourhome 

Onze makelaar neemt het volledige verhuurproces uit handen. We zorgen ervoor dat je woning opvalt bij de juiste huurders, door te adverteren op meerdere websites en, indien nodig, in traditionele media. We screenen alle kandidaten die zich melden en bepalen – in overleg met jou – wie in aanmerking komt als huurder. Voor de start van de huurperiode helpen we de woning klaar te maken voor verhuur. Samen met jou, of namens jou, verzorgen we de officiële check-in en sleuteloverdracht.

Gedurende het verhuurproces ontzorgen we je volledig. Jij hoeft alleen actie te ondernemen wanneer je zelf betrokken wilt zijn.

Met een no-nonsense mentaliteit, een focus op goede samenwerking en transparante communicatie, gaan we direct en zonder financiële verplichtingen voor je aan het werk.

  • Rating 10
  • Miss Dolce
  • Zevenend 59
  • Rating 8
  • Mister Wulms
  • Kareldoornmanlaan 8 Huizen

Yourhome verhuurmakelaar 't Gooi

Het verhuren van je huis aan een geschikte huurder voor de beste prijs is ons doel. Jouw verhuurmakelaar van Yourhome Makelaars in maakt deel uit van een hecht team van experts die flexibel en gedreven zijn. We werken met korte lijntjes en begrijpen precies wat er komt kijken bij het verhuren van jouw woning.

Onze verhuurmakelaars zijn doelgericht, betrokken en zorgen ervoor dat je verhuurtraject snel en professioneel verloopt. Dankzij ons internationale makelaarsnetwerk vinden we gegarandeerd een betrouwbare en goed betalende huurder voor jouw woning.

Your NVM gecertificeerde verhuurmakelaar 't Gooi

Yourhome is member of the Dutch Cooperative Association of Real Estate Agents and Appraisers in real estate; the 'NVM’. With more than 4,400 affiliated real estate agents and appraisers, the NVM is the largest membership organization of real estate agents, appraisers and real estate experts in the Netherlands. As an NVM rental agent in Amsterdam, we have access to the largest real estate agent network in the Netherlands and Amsterdam. As a real estate agent affiliated with NVM, we can offer you the most recent and complete data on the Amsterdam housing market. This way we are well informed and together well prepared for the rental of your home.

Yourhome rental agents in 't Gooi

Jasper Berkel

Verhuurmakelaar 't Gooi

Rosa Abeji

Verhuurmakelaar 't Gooi

And discover our unique rental service.

Yourhome Makelaardij has already helped us several times in mediating the rental of a home. This has always been done to our utmost satisfaction. Potential tenants are carefully screened. The paperwork and financial handling are also always good. This company is highly recommended.

Jaap Luif,
Barkasstraat 35

Guaranteed a good tenant

Renting out your home is a big step. This is the place that is your home and that you have always taken good care of. You want to be sure that your tenant will live in your home with just as much pleasure and attention. The Yourhome rental agent carefully checks each candidate. We create a complete and clear profile of your potential tenants.

Jij kiest uit de verschillende kandidaten de uiteindelijke huurder. Jouw Yourhome verhuurmakelaar maakt een afspraak waarbij jullie elkaar ontmoeten. Zo heb je altijd zelf in de hand aan wie je verhuurt, maar hoef je daar vooraf niet veel tijd in te steken. Jij besluit aan wie je je woning in ’t Gooi verhuurt.

Which steps do we go through in the rental process?

Initial interview
During this conversation you will be informed about the rental market, our services and we will view your rental property together. After this conversation, we will provide a valuation of the rental price of your rental property. In addition, during the conversation you will receive valuable tips and insights into the current rental market.
Making pictures
Good home photography and, if necessary, styling is essential for getting the desired tenants and rental price. Our photographer will capture your rental property in its entirety. This can be done in photography but also with video. We are very flexible when it comes to making an appointment. Our photographer is experienced and works professionally.
Create an advertisement
Thanks to years of experience, we know what works and what doesn't when it comes to creating a suitable advertisement. After your approval, the advertisement including the ideal rental price and description will be shown on ten different websites, including Funda and Pararius. We will include your rental property in our email to fellow real estate agents in Amsterdam and other relocation offices. By showing your home to as many candidates as possible, we ensure that your rental property gets the ideal rental price.
Schedule viewings
When scheduling viewings for your rental property, our rental agents make a pre-selection based on clear criteria and rental wishes. When making the appointment for the viewing, we always send a confirmation email to prevent candidates from not showing up.
This is one of the most important moments in the process of renting out your rental property. We welcome the candidates in person to your rental property. Your rental agent pays attention to whether the candidates are present on time, look neat, communicate pleasantly and whether they are enthusiastic about your rental property. We also ask the candidates a number of questions so that we get a clear picture of them. With this information we try to determine whether this can be the right tenant for your rental property.
Receive proposals
The confirmation email of the viewing indicates which documentation and information from the candidate is required to make a proposal. Our rental agent Amsterdam will review these documents and if this matches our price proposal, we will forward the documentation to you. We call each other to discuss the information and tell how the candidate came across during the viewing.
Draw up rental agreement
Yes! Our rental agent has managed to reach an agreement with the candidate you selected. We will draw up the rental agreement and give you the opportunity to check it first. The rental agreement will then be shared per DocuSign. This allows all parties to sign the rental agreement digitally online and with ease.
Our Amsterdam rental agent makes an appointment with the new tenant for the key transfer. During delivery we create an extensive check-in report. This documents how the home was delivered to the new tenants. The tenants sign this document to agree with what has been delivered in the rental property.
If your tenant leaves after some time, we will make an appointment with him for check-out. During this appointment we prepare a complete check-out report with which we inspect your rental property. If new defects have arisen during the rented period, we will include them in this report.
We are available for questions and advice during the entire rental period. Do you have a dispute with your tenant or is something wrong? Your Yourhome rental agent is available 24/7!
Congratulations, your home has been rented out without any worries!

And discover our unique rental service.

Our rental service is a valuable investment

Door ons grote internationale netwerk van expats en ons uitgestrekt bereik zorgt ons verhuurteam voor minder leegstand. Daarnaast bezorgen wij jou de best haalbare verhuurprijs voor jouw woning in ’t Gooi.

No cure, no pay rental service
We believe in the quality of our service. That is why we do not ask for payment in advance.

Rental package

For the rent of your home, the following is included in our rate:

If a tenant leaves earlier than 12 months after check-in, a reduced rate will apply for the next rental. Someone from our rental team will be happy to provide more information about this. Contact our rental agent

And be completely relieved with our rental package.

What are the next steps

We beginnen met een vrijblijvend kennismakingsgesprek van ongeveer drie kwartier tot een uur. Na deze kennismaking beslis je zelf of je met onze verhuurmakelaar wilt samenwerken. We nodigen je van harte uit om een afspraak te maken en je te laten verrassen door onze met een 9,5 aangeschreven verhuurservice!

Jasper Berkel

Rental agent